Logo & Style Guide

  • Companies who are signatories to the SC21 action plan may display the SC21 logo on letterheads, websites and other appropriate company documents and promotional material.
  • A condition for display is that this logo shall not be defaced, distorted nor used in a manner which may discredit the SC21 action plan, SC21 project office, ADS nor the logo itself.
  • The logo may only be displayed in the prescribed colours:
    • Blue: Pantone 072. (R 0, G 24, B 168)
    • Grey: C 42.75 / M 31.37 / Y 28.63 / K 12.94
  • Companies are also reminded that the logo is subject to copyright and shall not be displayed for any other reason than to indicate that the company is a signatory to the SC21 action plan.
  • No company is allowed to display the logo for advertising or promoting training courses, performance improvement methods or tools unless written permission has been received from the ADS SC21 project office.
  • Queries on the SC21 logo should be addressed to the SC21 project office by contacting the SC21 project team.