2.3 NPI Process
What. To develop a process to standardise and manage launch
Why. To avoid issues, post launch, and drive for on time launch
Develop or improve the beneficiaryメs New Product Introduction process, including the principles of using ムGo / No Goメ decision gates (including risk assessment), cross functional working and RACI, and documenting the NPI process.
Without understanding the impact a new product has on overall business performance, a business cannot focus improvement activities or confirm that the use of resources was effective or efficient. Introducing relevant measures to the NPI process will ensure effective corrective action and improvement activity takes place to reduce lead times and improve cost control and delivery performance.
To provide the beneficiary with an understanding of how to create and manage a project and its budget. (Note:- A project can be (but not limited to) New project, new process, change, investment)
To enable beneficiaries to identify and manage risks effectively.
Effectively manage the impact of change on current and future business.
To provide beneficiaries with the capability to consider cross functional requirements (internal/external) detailed planning, top level scheduling and to have the right information to prioritise effectively